Saturday, August 1, 2015

Entrepreneur business quick tips - Leadership & Knowledge

This blog is a quick summary of a very informative "Indie Entrepreneur JAM session" that we hosted on July 31, 2015.  If you're in any stage of business, it's always good to hear from other people that share your same struggle.  We are a group of people that aim to empower business people worldwide, especially small business.

My personal take-away from each person that joined us on our Google+ Hangout.  This is an inside look at what Entrepreneurs go through.  We build teams and we build dreams!  Please feel free to contact us anytime with business questions...

(1)  Chris Hill - Chef - Entrepreneur

*In business and in life, you need BALANCE.  If you are the artsy and crafty type, most likely you will need a "business type" other half to compliment your situation.  We tend to be close to people that are similar to ourselves, but sometimes for business this isn't the best choice.  Yin Yang.

(2)  USMC veteran - Edi Santos 

*Invest in yourself by educating yourself. Read books, daily. You MUST have Organization and you MUST Manage your Expectations. How much work did you do, and what do you expect in return? Daily tasks, goals, objectives MUST be known to accomplish your ultimate vision.  Write it out.

(3)  John Duffy - Film Producer

* "Question your beliefs" - This is hard to do at first, because your entire belief system is built with people that you trust.  This is very important for entrepreneurs to do because we need to stay aware of our always changing external environment.  You ALWAYS have a choice.  Think about EVERY option in every situation, so you will make better decisions.

(4)  Xavier Ybarra - Film Director

*Goal Setting - Draw 5 circles on a piece of Paper.  1.Main Goal  2.Yearly Goal  3.Monthly Goal  4.Weekly  5.Daily Goals - Write out your goals!  What do you want to have accomplished?  What is your deadline?  Is it realistic?  Take action.

(5)  U.S. Navy veteran- John Chang - Bush Pilot Marketing - Content Producer

*If you are an entrepreneur to "Make Money" it is NOT enough!  This journey is BEYOND THAT.  You must have a deep desire and passion to be in business.  Why do you do "what" you do?  Why should we care about your business?

(6)  U.S. Army veteran- George Ohan - International Entrepreneur

*There is NO cavalry coming to save you.  It's not YOU against the world, it's you against YOU.  No self pity.  If not you, then who?  ONLY you can do what you do.  Nobody loves your dream as much as you do.  Get to work.

Watch FULL Video:
Contact any one of us with any questions that you might have.  Thank you for reading.

Very Respectfully,

George Ohan

USMC Combat Veteran - CPL. Juan Dominguez
Newport Beach, CA - American Legion
Photography By: George Ohan

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