Sunday, September 1, 2013

President Obama needs to stay out of Syria

This will require reading, so I know most of the people that clicked on this link would rather look at a picture and click “like”, but this isn’t for you.  Please dismiss yourself ASAP.  This article is for the educated people of the world that actually read.

Our president is a liar, but nobody cares.  Remember when President Obama won the votes of the nation with an anti-war campaign against George Bush?  What happened to bringing the troops home?  What happened to recognizing the Armenian Genocide?  What happened to all of the A-list stars chanting “rock the vote?”  Why did President Obama order to have Mummar al-Gaddafi killed?  Oh wait, the morons of our nation are too busy posting pictures and comments of Miley Cyrus to their Facebook and Instagram accounts….

I have a lot of family still living in Syria, and I was born there too.   I speak to them and get a full understanding of the situation and the news has our entire nation fooled.  Everyone that has commented with their foolish comments online certainly have no idea of what’s going on in Syria.  Just because you read a timeline on Twitter or Facebook, you do not have all of the facts.  Other idiots post their rhetoric for the world to see based on a different idiot’s rhetoric that they read 2 minutes prior.  That’s how our civilized society gets their information.  Maybe 10% of what I’ve seen and read seems relevant and worthwhile.  For those people that I’m connected with on social media I see the ridiculous comments and posts that are poking fun at Syria.  It truly shows what you do not know and how uneducated you really are. 

Unlike the United States, Syria doesn’t advertise the full strength and capabilities of their military.  The Syrian military is very powerful and well respected in the international community.  They certainly have the WILL to win and the American public does not need to put themselves through this.  Iran, Russia, and China.  Does that mean anything to anyone? 

How many murders have there been in the United States since President Obama took office?  Over 50,000 murders here in the United States, that’s how many!  People in the USA are so angry, hateful, and in disagreement with each other that they kill each other at a higher rate than most wars.  Do you see other countries trying to come here to our land and attack us because these people are being killed?  Why doesn’t our president try to police his own problems before acting like he’s the world police?  If George W. Bush was in office the media would be going absolutely crazy right now with this situation.  However, with President Obama people are acting like going to war is ok.  Is this a problem to anyone else? 

If you asked the people of Syria what they think of Bashar al-Assad you’d realize that the USA needs to stay out of their country.  Have you been to skid row in downtown Los Angeles?  It looks like a fourth world country.  Homelessness, drug addicts, crime, rape, and every other disgusting thing you can imagine only a few miles away from Beverly Hills.  Has our president ever walked those piss-drenched streets of his own country?  We have our own problems that need to be fixed.   President Obama would rather invest money into a war instead of helping to provide shelter to homeless women veterans of the USA?  Female veterans with children are the most rapid growing demographic of people that are becoming homeless in the United States right now.  Does our president care?

I hope that Congress does the right thing and does not allow my brothers and sisters to go fight in a war that we do not have any business being in.

Very Respectfully,

George Ohan