Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I am NOT living my dream - Are you?

I had a conversation with my friend Kyle (Founder of yesterday and we spoke about people telling us, ”Good job, you’re living your dream!”

We greatly appreciate the support and kind words, but sometimes we wonder about what perspective a comment like that is coming from.  Most likely, it’s just some good ol’ encouragement, which is highly appreciated.  However, I’d like to add a little bit about what a comment like that makes me think about…

“My Dream” is not to be living away from all of my family for over 10 years.

“My Dream” is not to put my personal life on hold to achieve success.

“My Dream” is not be a 33 year old, single man, living in a 1 bedroom apartment.

“My Dream” is not to skip my favorite activity of fishing for years at a time.

“My Dream” is not to live in a huge city away from nature.

“My Dream” is not to work in an industry of egomaniacs and starving artists.

“My Dream” is not something I only think about while I’m sleeping or in a fantasy.

“My Dream” is not guaranteed.  10 years from now I could realize that I was wrong.

“My Dream” is not like a dream of winning the lottery.  Those people don’t have
sleepless nights.

“My Dream” was not to spend 8 years of my life in the military so I can earn money to educate myself.

This list can go on and on, but I’ll stop there.  You get the point.  I love my life. Every choice that I’ve made until this point of my life has gotten me to exactly where I am right now.  If I had made better decisions along my journey, I could’ve been further along in my life and one step closer to my goals.  Living a dream, not so much…..  Happy, fortunate, and blessed? YES!

I feel guilty everyday for not being with my parents and spending precious time with them.  I hope that all of this work is not in vein and they can enjoy my success.  I must figure out a way to earn enough money to allow my parents to completely stop working so I can spend time with them.  That is my dream.

Very Respectfully,

George Ohan 
Hollywood, CA